Tours and trails
Take this easy-to-use #RAMMusical trail to learn about the vast range of historical musical instruments in the museum
Museum Architectural Trail
Looking beyond RAMM's collection the trail provides an opportunity for an artistic view of parts of the museum that may go unnoticed
RAMMbingo - World Cultures gallery (12-13)
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Art and Soul
Explore Exeter using the Art & Soul trail to visit some fine gothic revival buildings and find the locations for many of the exhibits
RAMM Sculpture Trail
Take a journey through thousands of years of sculpture and history to find out how sculpture developed through the centuries
Harry Hems - a Victorian Craftsman
Explore Exeter through the work of Harry Hems, a Victorian master craftsman and church restorer
Tiny but Mighty
Welcome to the Tiny but Mighty Trail that guides you through 10 small yet significant objects throughout galleries in the museum
Chinese New Year
Happy Chinese New Year! This is the Year of the Snake
The Great Exeter Garden Quest
Welcome, traveller!
You are an adventurous photographer, on a quest to discover Exeter's green spaces and the secrets they hold in plain sight -
RAMMbingo - Down to Earth gallery (2)
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Bird Adventure
Hi Explorer!
This trail takes you around the world exploring different kinds of birds -
Global Lives: Hidden Exeter Histories
Explore Exeter using the trail and visit sites linked to historic figures associated with the transatlantic slave trade
Healing, Protection and the Spirit World
Illness affects everybody, regardless of whether they lived in the past or the present, near or far away
RAMMbingo - Making History gallery (3)
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Coronation Trail
To celebrate the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla, discover objects with a connection to royalty in RAMM's galleries using this trail
Transport Trail
Whether you're yet to experience or have already enjoyed 'Are we nearly there yet? A history of transport', go on a journey to find transport related objects in the permanent galleries
Explore Exeter's Sculpture
Exeter’s Sculpture and Art
Welcome to the public sculpture trail which guides you through Exeter’s interesting and diverse public sculptures and art -
Second World War
This is the Exeter WWII Trail which allows you to explore the city centre and see objects and images from RAMM's collection placed into the context in which they were discovered, used or created
RAMMbingo - Downstairs Courtyard (1)
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RAMMbingo - Making History gallery (4)
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RAMMbingo - Finders Keepers? gallery (11)
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Historic Decorative Plasterwork in Devon
Welcome to the historic decorative plasterwork trail which guides you to examples of fine historic decorative plasterwork around Devon
Key Objects Trail
A museum trail featuring our key objects with BSL, audio and subtitles
RAMMbingo - Upstairs Courtyard (19)
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Peter Orlando Hutchinson
A tour around the Down to Earth and Making History galleries highlighting key pieces from this prominent Devonian antiquarian's collection
Treasures of the Museum
Find the Treasures of Museum by following this exciting trail highlighting sixteen of the museum’s most iconic objects
Museum Architectural Trail
Looking beyond RAMM's collection the trail provides an opportunity to an artistic view to parts of the museum that may go unnoticed
Tudor Exeter
Welcome to the Tudor Exeter trail which guides you through Exeter city centre and much of its Tudor history
Rainbow Trail
Welcome to the Rainbow Trail, which explores gender and sexual diversity across time, place and culture
RAMMbingo - Fly on the Wall (18) and In Fine Feather (17) galleries
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